The most common mistakes in car, property and life insurance

The most common mistakes in car, property and life insurance

Insurance mistakes are often the reason that a person receives an amount much less than he expected, or even remains without compensation for damage. That, you see, is at least insulting. How to avoid such risks, read in our article.

5 main mistakes in life and health insurance

1.To think that the meaning of insurance is a profitable investment of money, and the only protection against accidents that can take away health or life.

In its meaning, endowment insurance is the capitalization of funds for a certain time. Income from this is possible, but the main purpose of the accumulated funds is not to increase welfare. The family will need them in the event that trouble happens to the insured person.

2. The amount of the insurance premium is important, but when concluding a contract, you should be guided not by it, but by the program that you are offered.

This can be insurance against an accident or loss of condition. In order not to make mistakes in insurance, you must determine what situations are possible, for how long they are insured against, and only then choose the type of insurance, taking into account the number of monthly premiums.

3. Sign a contract for the minimum number of insured events.

Many clients believe that it is enough to ensure their lives or provide for payments upon reaching a certain age. However, this is only a small part of the possibilities that can help an insured who has become disabled as a result of an accident or serious illness. Do not limit yourself to one or two options, but take a closer look at other types of possible insurance claims.

4. Do not reread or update your insurance.

The contract with the insurance company is concluded for a certain period of life. Over time, the underlying conditions that prompted this may change. Registration of marriage or, conversely, a divorce will take place, children will appear, the place of work and the level of income will change. The sum insured may not be enough to cover the costs in the current situation. Therefore, every two years it is necessary to revise the policy, if necessary, supplement it with new options or increase the amount of regular payments.

5. Do not adjust the policy for the person receiving insurance.

The person who will be issued monetary compensation in case of your death is entered into the policy that insures your life and health. This is the person closest and dearest to you. But the situation may change, so do not forget to adjust the policy so that the reimbursement goes not to random people, but to those who love and appreciate you.

5 common mistakes when insuring property

1.“Underinsured” and “reinsured”.

In an attempt to save on payments, the owner insures the property for an amount much less than its real value. With this approach, with the onset of an insured event, compensation will cover only part of the losses incurred, since the calculation is made in proportion to the ratio of the sum insured to the insured value.

The desire to make money on insurance push the owner to another extreme step, “reinsurance” when in the contract he indicates an overvalued property. Payments, in this case, will also be high, but upon the occurrence of an insured event, he will receive only compensation for real damage determined by an independent expert

Don’t look for the lowest insurance rates in the hope that the reimbursement will more than offset the payments. There may be a very limited number of situations covered by coverage that your case does not. Or the company has just entered the market and in this way is trying to attract more customers.

As a result, problems may arise with the assessment and reimbursement of the insured event due to the incompetence of the company’s employees who have not previously been involved in property insurance. And the payment of compensation for damage can be delayed due to an elementary shortage of funds from the insurer.

2. To think that you will be paid the entire amount at once upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Such situations are rare and occur only if the house is destroyed to the ground. That happens only in case of man-made or natural disasters and terrorist attacks with explosives.

But terrorism is rarely included in an insurance policy. This is an additional risk, in 50% of insurance companies this risk is included in the standard package. But most often in a complete package. And in the event of a fire or explosion of natural gas, victims can expect to receive only 15-20% of the insured amount specified in the contract, if it is spelt out in the contract. This can be found in the so-called “boxed products”, where the insurers’ property is insured as a percentage, e.g. roof 10% of the sum insured, walls 8% of the sum insured, etc. In fact, when calculating in the future, insurance payments are often not enough for the complete restoration of damaged parts of the property.

3. Take out home insurance without inspecting it.

Firstly, a standard insurance contract will cost you twice as much as an individual one (if you compare conditions and rates).

Secondly, insurance without inspection has a very narrow coverage. The contract includes only insured events with minimal risk.

Thirdly, do not forget that the amount of compensation when applying for a policy without inspection will be quite small.

4. Throw away receipts, receipts and other documents confirming the cost of repairs and the purchase of furnishings.

If you decide to insure the finishing of the house and movable property, to begin with, conclude an official contract and approve the repair estimate with the construction team, and when purchasing materials, furniture, household appliances and other furnishings, keep all receipts and coupons with the cost of the purchased goods. To underestimate the amount of payment is in the order of things for insurers. Your documents should be an exception to the rule for them.

5. Leave housing without reliable protection.

Connecting a burglar alarm will save on the cost of the policy, only a few people remember this. If your home is protected by a sophisticated alarm system around the clock, then the insurer is simply obliged to provide you with a discount.

5 common mistakes when insuring a car

1. Leave “assigned” services in the policy.

In an insurance policy for a car, the company includes a number of simple services that will be provided to the client throughout the entire term of the contract. This can be the evacuation of a vehicle that has got into an accident, or the registration of certificates in the traffic police. But often no one uses such services, so they should be abandoned even at the stage of drawing up an insurance contract.

2. Pay attention only to the tariff.

Many car owners, in search of a cheap rate, refuse insurance. Although it is worth considering why the insurance company offers its product at a lower price. Try to find out how this tariff differs from the standard one: what kind of deductible it has, what methodology is used to calculate the insurance payment, etc. Pay attention to the financial condition of the insurer: information regularly appears in the media that some insurance company has stopped paying. Experience shows that these insurers have the cheapest policies.

3. Don’t understand the differences between franchises.

When contacting the insurance company, many car owners sincerely do not understand how the franchise provided for in the contract affects the number of payments, therefore they are 

4. Not be interested in the methodology for calculating insurance compensation.

Many people believe that the calculation of insurance compensation is the business of the company itself. This misconception can be costly because the amount received will be half what you expected.

unhappy with the amount of compensation, hoping to get more. The insurance broker believes that this misunderstanding is tantamount to jumping into a body of water without knowing its depth.

5. Do not ask what the aggregate sum insured is.

In general, very few people know about this, thereby making a serious mistake when insuring. The insurance company may include in the contract a condition according to which the insured amount is reduced by the value of the previously paid compensation. This applies to those car owners who get into an accident more than once a year. Simply put, if you have suffered in an accident and the Insurance Company has paid for the damage caused, then after the next accident, the insured amount of your car will be less than the amount of compensation for the previous repair.

5 main mistakes when concluding an insurance contract

1.Incorrect data on the insurance object.

It is important for the insurer to conclude an agreement with the client as soon as possible, so he will not waste his time on a meticulous description of the insurance object. This section may be inaccurate, include data that do not have an unambiguous interpretation and may become the subject of a dispute in the future. The policyholder must remember that the description of the subject of insurance must be complete, taking into account all its constituent details and exact characteristics.

Otherwise, the insurer may refuse to pay out upon the occurrence of an insured event, explaining its decision by the fact that this element was not specified in the contract, which means that the insurance does not apply to it.

Refusal of compensation or a clear underestimation of its amount may also occur in the case when, due to inaccurate characteristics of the object, it is impossible to correctly assess the amount of damage caused.

An error in the insurance policy due to an incomplete or inaccurate description of the insurance subject in the contract always leads to financial disputes with the insurer, which will have to be resolved in court. Sometimes the policyholder wins, but more often the court rises in favour of the insurance company.

Therefore, drawing up an insurance contract should be treated with full responsibility. The policyholder must carefully check the text of the entire document and insist on entering the full information about the object by the insurer.

2. Incorrect interpretation of the insured event.

The contract has a section in which the characteristics of those situations that relate to insured events are described in detail. It is necessary to register all the nuances and details of specific circumstances, taking into account all the features of the insurance object, so that there is no possibility of their ambiguous interpretation.

Loans are often the objects of insurance. In the contract, as an insured event, a person describes a situation of non-repayment of a loan. The question arises: does the insurance with such a description of the object cover non-refund of interest under the same loan agreement? Only the court can answer this.

The policyholder, for his part, is obliged to notify the insurer of the current state of the insurance object at the time of the conclusion of the contract. He must collect and provide information about all situations that can lead to an insured event, and determine the number of possible losses from the damage caused.

Moreover, this information must be drawn up in writing, as an official document, so that the insurer does not have the opportunity to declare that the client has not informed him. Otherwise, according to the law, the insurance company has the right to demand compensation for material damage from its client.

3. Incorrectly specified the term of the agreement.

In any contract, the date plays an important role, because it determines the duration of its validity. An insurance contract is no exception. The date from which the insurance coverage begins is especially important here. If the event happened earlier, then no compensation will be paid, since there was actually no insurance at that time.

If the start date of the contract was set later than 30 days after the payment of the insurance premium, then this is considered a violation of the law, and the policyholder may go to court. But determining which day is the beginning of insurance coverage will not be easy for him. In order not to bring the situation to a conflict, it is better to immediately follow the parameters of the agreement set by the insurer.

4. Lack of information on insurance premiums.

If the information on the procedure for paying the insurance premium is not spelt out in full or in part in the contract, then this may allow the IC to refuse the client to pay compensation. The basis for such a decision will be the suspension of insurance coverage due to an incorrect or late payment.

In order to prevent insurance mistakes, all conditions must be spelt out in the contract, including the payment schedule and the amount of each payment. An unauthorized decrease in the amount of payment is equivalent to its absence and may cause termination of the contractual relationship or refusal of insurance compensation. Therefore, you should carefully study the document in this particular part.

5. Errors in the contract.

Without an agreement on the rules for conducting financial transactions, enshrined in the insurance contract, the client can deposit a sum of money that does not comply with the unspoken rules of the insurance company. It will not be considered an insurance premium, since the contractual relationship is established the next day after the payment of the premium in full. Or tax is paid from the payment received, the amount of the contribution is reduced, which does not comply with the contractual regulations. If an insured event occurs at this time, the policyholder will prove the right to compensation for damage in court.

In the end, we will summarize our reasoning: before concluding an insurance contract, the parties must come to an agreement on all its sections and provisions. Information is entered into the document based on the application of the policyholder. If some data was inaccurate, or the error crept in as a result of the inattention of the company employee who introduced them, and the client did not check his work, then all this can cause all sorts of conflict situations in the future. Therefore, the policyholder has the right to clarify the information for each section, make amendments and changes at the stage of drawing up the contract, so that later he would not be denied compensation.

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Tax Risk Consulting

Tax advice from our experts allows you to develop a legal way to reduce taxes and risks based on using the possibilities of tax legislation, depending on the types of activities of the enterprise and business schemes.
Our specialists analyze and check the actions of the taxation system, develop a model for paying taxes, and assess possible tax consequences to minimize the client’s tax risks.

Administration and support of valid insurance contracts

Administration and maintenance of an insurance contract allow you to free the client from technical functions and thereby avoid possible risks when drawing up a contract with an insurance company.


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    Selection of an insurance company

    Our experts will help you choose the best insurance company taked into account to your criteria and requirements.
    The selection of an insurance company is a rather broad concept that requires special attention. Indeed, in order to determine the reliability of the company, our specialists study in detail its financial indicators (the size of the authorized capital, the volume of insurance reserves, the level of payments, etc.), the origin, feedback on the company’s work, assess the portfolio of insurance services and much more. After that, our specialists draw conclusions, ratings depending on the indicators and requirements of the client, the insurance sector, the type of insurance services, etc., and provide the client with the best and most profitable option based on his needs and wishes.

    Audit of risks of an insurance contract

    An audit of insurance contracts is necessary as it must comply with the rules and requirements of the law.
    On the basis of the insurance contract and legislative acts, our specialist checks the correctness of the legal registration of insurance contracts.
    We examine in detail the content of the insurance contract and for the presence of essential conditions, we check for cases of long-term termination, renegotiation of insurance contracts, cases of invalidity of insurance transactions, etc.
    Our task is to determine the compliance of the concluded contract with the client’s requirements, the correspondence of the names of the contracts to their types listed in the annex to the license, to compare the insurance conditions stipulated in the contract in order to obtain the required conditions by the client and to avoid losses to the client.

    Solutions to optimize the current contract

    We analyze the entire list of services of your package, which is provided by the insurance company. We investigate the possible risks, costs, as well as study what opportunities the company has with which the contract is concluded. Based on this data, we select the most suitable conditions for your insurance, taking into account your goals, needs and budget.

    Selection of the optimal property / health insurance

    At this stage, we help you to carry out the most beneficial insurance for your property or health. In order to competently and profitably determine insurance for you, taking into account your requirements, we study the terms, insurance premiums and conditions of payments of various insurance companies, the quality of the insurance product, the coverage of insured events, taking into account the desired risks, guarantees of insurance payments, etc.
    We own not only public but insider information about various insurance companies, we are guided in all insurance programs, we also have ratings of the reliability of insurance companies, therefore, we can provide you with complete and most important objective information so that you can carry out profitable for yourself and the right choice of the insurance company.

    Optimization of insurance costs

    Our experts conduct a detailed analysis of the costs of insuring the client, analyze possible risks and material consequences.
    The purpose of this service is to protect the client from uncertain losses by paying a specific price for insuring risks, the occurrence of which is likely and may have material consequences.
    We assess risks from both the short-term and long-term perspectives.

    Assistance in claims settlement

    Our experts have many years of experience in claims settlement. The complex of work with claims includes: advice on prevention of losses, recommendations to the insured to protect his interests, interaction of the parties in the event of an insured event in accordance with the previously developed regulations.
    The key to effective work on claims settlement is a thorough preliminary analysis of the insured event.

    Assistance in the preparation of claims

    Unfortunately, in practice, it is not uncommon for an insurance company to fail to fulfil its obligations under an insurance contract. In such cases, our specialists draw up step-by-step instructions for solving clients’ issues. Our specialists have practical experience in drawing up claims against insurance companies, in which we indicate all the illegal actions of employees of the insurance company in order to resolve the problem peacefully.

    Consulting on insurance legislation

    Our experts have a wide range of expertise in the field of insurance law. We have helped many people get the compensation they are entitled to.
    We are familiar with issues related to compensation risks and insurance consulting. We are ready to provide you with any legal services related to insurance legislation.

    Explanations of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of insurance contracts

    We analyze the insurance contract and explain to our client the conditions stipulated in the insurance contract, provide clarifications on the payment of insurance compensation in accordance with the terms of the contract in order to exclude possible risks and losses on the part of the client.

    Analysis of the current insurance portfolio

    The insurance portfolio determines the number of insured objects, the number of insurance contracts and the amount of the total insured amount, it characterizes the obligations of the insurer to the policyholders.
    The insurance portfolio is the subject of analysis by our experts in order to identify and avoid the risks and financial stability of the insurer.
    We analyze the insurance portfolio in stages, taking into account the indicators of profitability based on such indicators: the level of insurance payments, expenses, profitability, profitability by type of insurance services, in general for the insurance portfolio.

    International taxation

    Our experts analyze and optimize the tax implications of personal income tax in the context of international taxation.
    We advise and support clients on international tax issues, support on the transparency of international transactions, interpret and apply double tax treaties, tax diagnostics of the current structure / model to identify potential risks and develop a basic approach to the changing tax environment, etc.

    Provision of up-to-date information on insurance packages in the service market

    Our experts conduct a market survey of insurance companies to provide the most relevant information to the client. Today the market is equipped with insurance companies, and the most important thing is not to make a mistake in choosing, having analyzed in detail all the advantages and possible disadvantages in order to select the most profitable option for the client.
    We own not only public but also insider information about various insurance companies, we are guided by all insurance programs, we also have ratings of the reliability of insurance companies, so we can provide you with the complete and most important objective information so that you can profitably and correctly choosing an insurance company.

    Tax planning

    Our specialists carry out a set of legal actions of the taxpayer aimed at the maximum achievable reduction in the amount of taxes, duties, fees and other mandatory payments paid to the state.
    Tax planning can help you keep costs down while taking into account all changes in tax legislation. Our experts have experience and high professionalism in the field of tax minimization, therefore they will be able to carry out a tax audit in a guaranteed and competent manner, provide all the necessary advice and recommendations to minimize taxes and fees.

    Consulting on tax law issues

    If you want to assess the risks of economic activity, but are not sure of the correctness of actions or want to assess the situation as competently as possible from the point of view of tax legislation, then the best solution would be to contact us.
    Our specialists provide advice in the field of taxation, having the appropriate education and experience in the application of legislation.
    Tax legislation is multifaceted, it implies many nuances, therefore it is better to entrust this work to professionals. As a result, our experts will provide you with a solution to achieve your goal, while minimizing tax risks.

    Declaration of income

    A declaration of income is an official document in which an individual indicates the amount of income received in the reporting period and taxes withheld from it, as well as income from investment activities and other income of which tax is not withheld upon payment.
    In the declaration, you must also indicate information about your own immovable (movable) property and property provided for rent. It is better to entrust the preparation of the declaration to our professionals with knowledge and experience. We will be able to prepare a competently drawn up income statement for an individual at a professional level.

    Consulting on tax law issues outside the country

    Tax legislation provides one of the most dynamic branches of law, which requires taxpayers to constantly concentrate taxes. If we are talking about tax legislation outside the country, then it will be much more difficult without the help of a specialist.
    Our experts constantly monitor changes in tax codes of different countries, how this or that norm will be interpreted and applied by tax authorities in practice. The taxation system requires thorough knowledge and daily monitoring of changes and updates.
    Turning to our specialists for help in tax legislation outside your country, you will receive a highly qualified answer in terms of the theory of legislation and judicial practice.

    Optimization of tax charges

    Tax optimization is at the heart of tax planning. These are organizational measures that are carried out within the framework of the current legislation. Optimization of taxation involves minimizing tax payments (in the long and short term), as well as avoiding fines from the fiscal authorities.
    This is achieved through the correct calculation and timely payment of taxes.
    To achieve a result, our specialists check taxation schemes, eliminate system errors in tax accounting and ensure the required quality of documents, carry out legal tax minimization, assess risks when applying optimization schemes, etc.

    Pre-trial and judicial settlement of tax disputes

    Unstable tax legislation creates an unreasonably large number of disputes between the taxpayer and the tax authorities. Often, tax legislation changes rapidly and the client does not always understand whether the requirements and actions of the tax authorities are legitimate, whether they need to be fulfilled, or there is still an opportunity to defend their rights.
    Our expert is the person who knows exactly what rights and obligations the taxpayer, tax and law enforcement agencies have. He examines the relationship of the taxpayer with the tax authority in the context of the ratio of their mutual rights and obligations, is able to find a balance between them in a timely manner, avoiding unreasonable pressure on the client. The task of our specialist is to settle a tax dispute, help in making a decision and minimize risks for you.

    Preparation and submission of tax returns

    Preparation and submission of tax returns are some of the most difficult procedures. Filling out the report by individuals is based on information on income. Even the slightest mistake entails serious consequences – from invalidation of information and fines, criminal liability in case of knowingly submitting false information.
    Our experts provide professional services for the preparation and filing of tax returns in a short time.
    We take into account many nuances – tax regime, taxation system and other parameters. The help of experienced specialists will allow you to avoid mistakes and return documents from regulatory authorities.

    Settlement of tax disputes

    We are convinced that tax disputes can be effectively resolved.
    Despite the tax dispute, the relationship with the tax authorities must always remain professional. Our approach to resolving tax disputes is based on the unique experience of our tax team members who have handled numerous complex tax cases for our clients.
    Our specialists draw up objections to tax audit acts, and the act will provide you with full tax and legal support during the procedure.

    Refund from the budget of overpaid/collected amounts of taxes

    Many of us, at least once in our lives, have faced situations when, through our own inattention or by coincidence of other circumstances, they mistakenly paid money to the state budget or paid them in the wrong amount. It could be like state fees for the provision of any services by government agencies, fines or simple payment of utilities.
    The return of erroneous or overpaid monetary obligations is possible and our specialists will help you with this. To do this, we create and submit a correctly drawn up application for an erroneous and / or overpaid amount in which we provide overview information for the successful implementation of the procedure.

    Value added tax refund

    In all EU countries, people can return the value added tax on goods and services paid abroad.
    We take care of all the processing of the VAT refund you paid, automate the entire process and carry out the full registration of all bureaucratic formalities.

    Analysis of the contract form

    Legal analysis of the insurance contract. A qualified audit of the insurance contract and insurance rules with an indication of the “pitfalls” and a detailed explanation of all the points will help you avoid mistakes when concluding an insurance contract. We are an independent organization, and we will help protect your interests when concluding an insurance contract.